Professor Parsnip’s Lab of Healthy Living

(Best for Grades Pre-K - 5th)

Health and Wellness, STEM

Exciting science experiments help to teach the importance of making healthy life decisions. Students will love the mad-cap scientist, her funny sidekick and the adventures they have along the way! Explore the ins and outs of nutrition, exercise and mental/physical health.

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SPRING 1 | 2026
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American Tales & Tunes

(Best for Grades Pre-K - 5th)

Literature and Literacy

Folk songs and tall tales from across America come to life in this music-filled adventure. We’ve delved deep into American literature from the Jack Tales of the Appalachian region to the fishing docks of New England and have created a vibrant and energetic show that seamlessly blends these fantastic regional stories with classic American folk songs like “Shenandoah” and “Shady Grove.”

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Building Stories

(Best for Grades 1st - 6th)

Literature and Literacy

Plot, summary, characters and settings can be confusing things to learn about. Join our actor-educators as they take your audience on an adventure through what makes up a story. In one portion of the show your audience contributes to the play to create an original story, while learning all the different parts of what goes into making one. This show is designed to get young people excited about reading and writing while encouraging them to gain a better understanding of the fundamentals of stories.

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